Equipment: Field Level Definitions

Modified on Thu, 17 Oct at 1:45 PM

Equipment Window

The Equipment Window is used to create and update equipment records in Softbase Evolution.


This section outlines all the fields and definitions for the main header of the Equipment Window. Additional Tabs will be outlined below this.

  • Serial #:  Serial Number of the Equipment record.

  • Unit #: Unit Number of the Equipment record.

  • Control #:  Control Number of the Equipment record. Used for accounting postings.

  • Make: Make of the Equipment record. Makes are created from the Setup Button on the Toolbar of the Equipment Window.

  • Model:  Model of the Equipment record. Models are created from the Setup Button on the Toolbar of the Equipment Window

  • Model Group:  Model Group of the Equipment record. Model Groups are created from the Setup Button on the Toolbar of the Equipment Window. These typically are

identified as Class I through Class VII but are not limited to that.

  • Branch:  Branch that the Equipment exists in if it is internally owned.

  • Department: Department that the Equipment exists in if it is internally owned.

  • Department Inventory Account:  This is the GL Account of the Equipment record based on the Inventory Account GL Number from the Department Setup.

  • Over-ride Inventory Account: This is an override GL Account that the user can assign to the Equipment record if they would like it to be different from the value established

in the Department.

  • Depreciation Account: This is the expense GL Account used when depreciating the Equipment record. 

  • In Transit Account: This field is exclusively for Mexico dealerships. Like an inventory account, when a unit is being imported into Mexico, the value of that unit would be

recorded in the In Transit Account along with its control #. Then, once the unit is in Mexico at the dealership, that value would be journaled out of the In Transit Account for

that control number and journaled into the appropriate inventory account.

  • Customer Owned:  This checkbox indicates whether the Equipment record is owned by a Customer. If it is set to True then the Customer # field is required.

This will be set automatically when the Equipment was owned by the Dealership but then sold to a Customer on an equipment sale invoice.

  • Customer #: This is the Customer Number who owns the unit if it is not internally owned. This will be set automatically when the Equipment was owned by the Dealership

but then sold to a Customer on an equipment sale invoice.

  • Truck Icon: Calls the application to transfer the current piece of equipment to another customer account.

  • Order Booked:  An indicator to identify that the Equipment record has been reserved/ordered by a customer. 

  • On Order:  An indicator to identify that the Equipment record is on order with a vendor.

  • Field Diversion: This is a flag for the specific scenario of having entered an equipment file that is on order but before it makes it to your dealership it is diverted to another

dealership to fill an order.

  • Attachment Inventory: This is a flag that can be used for reporting purposes in the event you would like to run reports based on what is considered ‘attachment’ inventory.

  • Re-Rent Inventory:  If a unit is being used to fill a rental order but is owned by another company it would be marked as ‘Customer Owned’ and show the appropriate owner. 

  • Re-Rent At Dealership: 

Equipment Window Added information 

Here is where you can add additional information related to your equipment record. There are tabs for Specs, Add'l Specs, Custom, Genset, Eliftruck, Meter, Serial #, Dates, Financial, GL, GM, Floor, Lease, WIP, Trans, Photo, Comments, Warranty.



This tab documents the specifications of the designated equipment.

  • Capacity:  Capacity of the Equipment record based on the model number. 

  • @ Load Center: Capacity at the Load Center measurement. I.E at 24 inch load center a 5000 lb capacity forklift has a capacity rating of 4,285 lbs. 

  • Power:  Power Type of the Equipment. The options are; Gas, LPG, Dual Fuel, Diesel, Electric or Natural Gas.

  • Engine Type:  Engine Type of the Equipment record.

  • Transmission: Transmission type of the Equipment record. The options are; Manual, Automatic or Hydrostatic.

  • Upright Stages:  Information about the upright stages on the Equipment record. Mast stages such as Single, V, Simplex, FV, Duplex, FSV, Triplex, Triple, QFV, etc.

  • Upright Height:  Mast height fully extended. 

  • Down Height:  Distance from floor to top of lowered mast.

  • Free Lift:  How high a load can be lifted before the mast stages begin to extend.

  • Location:  Location of the Equipment. The locations are setup using the Setup button on the Equipment Window and adding values to the Locations Tab

  • LBR:  Check this flag if there is an LBR installed.

  • Tire Type:  Type of Tire on the Equipment. The Options are, Cushion, Pneumatic, Solid, Dual, Rough Terrain or Dual Solid Pneumatic.

  • Tire Description:  Description of the Tire on the Equipment record.

  • Tire %: Percentage of wear left on the Tire on the Equipment record.

  • Tire Size:  Size of the Tire on the Equipment.

  • Drive Tire:  Information about the Drive Tires on the Equipment.

  • Steer Tire:  Information about the Steer Tires on the Equipment.

  • Forks: Information about the Forks on the Equipment such as length or type.

  • Weight:  Total weight of the Equipment.

  • Warranty:  Information about the Warranty on the Equipment such as manufacturer or type of warranty through the manufacturer.

  • Short Model: Short version of the model number or Class of equipment, this can be used at the user's discretion. 

  • Model Year:  Model Year of the Equipment.

  • Age:  This is the age of the Equipment based on the Current Year minus the Model Year.

  • Valves:  Enter the number of valves the forklift has for the hydraulics (i.e. does it have a 4way valve to allow for operation of an attachment?)

  • Internal Hosing:  Indicator identifying if there is internal hosing on the Equipment.

  • Attachments:  Information about attachments that are installed on the Equipment (i.e. S/S, Carton Clamp, S/S F/P, etc)

  • Battery: Indicator to identify if there is a battery associated with the Equipment.

  • Charger:  Indicator to identify if there is a charger associated with the Equipment.

  • Attached to Serial #:  This is the Serial Number that the Equipment is attached to. (i.e. If you are setting up an attachment, battery, or charger you can attach it to the

equipment it is being sold with. When you add the equipment record to the sales document the items that show to be attached to it will be added to the sales document as well.)

  • Additional Specs (Wholesale Comments) Group Box:  This text box can be used to enter additional comments regarding the Equipment including information about the

Wholesale or any additional specs related to the Equipment.

ADD’L Specs 

  • Cab / Heater / AC: Specifies whether the equipment has a cabin with heating or air conditioning. It can include details like the make, model, and serial number of the HVAC system.

  • Fire Extinguisher (Checkbox): A checkbox to indicate if a fire extinguisher is equipped with the unit.

  • Air Pre-Cleaner (Checkbox): Indicates if an air pre-cleaner is installed on the unit, which helps in maintaining air quality for the engine.

  • Overhead Guard Exhaust (Checkbox): Specifies whether the equipment has an overhead guard exhaust system.

  • Shipped (Checkbox): A checkbox to show if the equipment has already been shipped.

  • Production Status: Indicates the current status of production at the manufacturer’s factory, providing insight into where the unit stands in the production process.

  • Shipping Status: Tracks the current shipping progress of the equipment.

  • Shipping / Departure Date: Shows the date the equipment was shipped or left the facility.

  • Factory Invoice #: Identifies the invoice number generated by the factory for this equipment, important for documentation and billing.

  • Battery Voltage: Captures the voltage of the equipment's battery.

  • Battery Amps: Specifies the amperage of the equipment’s battery, critical for performance metrics.

  • Battery Connector: Identifies the type of connector used for the battery on the equipment record, ensuring compatibility with charging systems.

  • Charger / Charging Port: Provides details on the type of charger and its electrical requirements, which is important for battery-powered equipment.


Custom Fields 1 - 20 are customizable data fields designed to capture additional information about equipment. These fields allow users to store unique, model-specific details beyond the standard equipment data.

  • Custom Fields by Model Group: Each Equipment Model Group can have its own set of custom fields. When an equipment model is selected, the custom fields will display the information based on the field names previously set by the user.

  • Setup Button: This button enables users to configure and label the 20 custom fields for each model group, tailoring them to specific needs or additional details required for the equipment.


Genset Tab: This section is dedicated to tracking essential details about Generators, especially for equipment that involves generator units. Users can input and manage critical information related to the generator, covering aspects like serial numbers, status, condition, and technical specifications.

Key Fields:

  • Generator End Serial #: Serial number specific to the generator.

  • Generator End Make & Model: Brand and model information of the generator.

  • Inventory Status: Current status of the generator, with options like "Coming Soon," "Just Arrived," "On-Site," "Reserved," "Sale Pending," or "Sold."

  • Condition: Describes the condition of the generator (New, Used, Surplus, Fair, Poor, Good).

  • Housing Type: Type of housing for the generator, e.g., Weatherproof, Sound A, Enclosed, Trailer/Open, etc.

  • Rating: Indicates the generator’s capacity such as Standby, Prime, Continuous, or combinations.

  • Fuel Tank ID: Type of fuel tank, whether double-walled (DW) or single-walled (SW).

  • EPA Tier: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) tier rating for emissions (Tier 1 through 4).

  • Load Bank Tested: Whether the generator has undergone load bank testing.

  • Load Test Date/Voltage: Date and voltage at which the load test was performed.

  • Voltage & Phase: Generator’s operating voltage and phase (single, three, both, or voltage selector switch).

  • Fuel Type: Type of fuel the generator uses (Diesel, Natural Gas, Propane, etc.).

  • Frequency: Frequency of the generator (50 Hz or 60 Hz).

  • RPM: Revolutions per minute for the generator’s motor.


The Eliftruck Tab facilitates the integration between the internal equipment records and the Elift website for forklift sales. Below is an explanation of how it works:

  • Setup Requirements: For this integration to function, the user must have an account on with login credentials (username and password). These details need to be configured in the Company Setup Window under the Logins Tab.

  • Include in Uploads: A checkbox or flag to indicate whether the specific equipment file should be uploaded to

  • Fields for Requirements:

    • eMake: Select the equipment's make (manufacturer) according to’s categories.

    • eType: Select the appropriate equipment type.

    • eEngine: Choose the correct engine type for the equipment.

    • eMastType: Select the mast type, matching's mast specifications.

    • eState: Select the state location of the unit. 

    • eOther: Enter any other relevant specifications that might correlate with’s requirements.

  • Upload Button: Clicking this button will send the specified equipment details to using the login information provided in the Company Setup window.

  • Populated Fields from Softbase:

    • Stock #: Automatically populates from the Softbase Equipment Setup.

    • Model: Pulled from the internal system’s equipment setup.

    • Year: Populates based on the equipment's setup in the Softbase system.

    • Capacity: Reflects the equipment's capacity.

    • Mast: Displays the mast type from the setup window.

    • Whsl Price: The wholesale price from the equipment setup.

    • Retail Price: The retail price from the Softbase Equipment window.

    • Serial #: The serial number of the equipment is automatically populated.


The Meter Reading fields in the Equipment Window allow for tracking both primary and secondary meter readings, commonly for hours (hour meter) or mileage (odometer). Here’s a breakdown of the fields:

Primary Meter:

  • Last Primary Meter Reading: Displays the most recent hour meter reading, updated from work orders.

  • Last Primary Meter Date: Shows the date of the last hour meter reading.

  • Primary Meter History: Displays the previous meter reading from the most recent work order update.

  • Current Primary Meter Start: Enter the starting meter reading if the hour meter has been replaced.

  • Current Primary Meter Start Date: Enter the date when the new hour meter started.

  • Total Running Hours: Displays the accumulated running hours for the equipment.

  • Replace Primary Meter Button: Click this when the hour meter has been replaced to reset the readings to zero.

Secondary Meter:

  • Last Secondary Reading: Displays the most recent reading for a secondary meter or odometer.

  • Last Secondary Date: Shows the date of the most recent secondary meter reading.

  • Secondary History: Displays the previous reading from the secondary meter.

  • Current Secondary Start: Enter the starting meter reading if a secondary meter has been replaced.

  • Current Secondary Start Date: Enter the start date of the new secondary meter.

  • Total Miles: Displays the total running miles or hours recorded by the secondary meter.

  • Replace Secondary Meter Button: Click this to indicate the replacement of the secondary meter and reset its readings to zero.

Serial #

The Serial # tab is used to document and manage serial numbers for various critical components of your equipment. Proper tracking of these components is essential for maintenance, verification, and accountability. Here’s a summary of the fields and their functions:

  • Engine Serial #: Enter the unique serial number for the engine.

  • Engine Make: Specify the make of the engine.

  • Engine Model: Specify the model of the engine.

  • Transmission Serial #: Enter the serial number for the transmission.

  • Steer Axle Serial #: Enter the serial number for the steering axle.

  • Upright Serial #: Enter the serial number for the mast (upright) component.

  • Upright Model: Enter the model of the mast.

  • Upright Lot: Enter the lot number of the mast, if applicable.

  • Additional Serial Numbers Group Box: If you have additional components that require tracking, their serial numbers can be entered here.

  • Part #: Serialized parts from the Parts Department can be added to the equipment records. For example, if a serialized part like a manual pallet jack is sold, you can log the serial number of the part being sold. Parts with the Serial # Required setting in the part record will be listed here for selection.


The Dates Tab provides key information regarding the lifecycle of the equipment at the dealership, capturing important milestones from the initial order to eventual sale and payment. Here’s an overview of the key fields:

Dealership Information:

  • Order Date: The date the equipment was ordered. This is automatically populated when a Purchase Order (PO) is created with the equipment's control number in Softbase.

  • Acquisition Date: The date the dealership officially acquired the equipment. This is set once a PO has been received but can be updated if the equipment was received earlier than recorded.

  • Receive Date: The date the PO was received for the equipment. This field is filled automatically when a PO is received with the equipment’s control number.

  • Sale Date: The date the equipment was sold to a customer. This field requires manual input by the dealership, as it does not automatically populate.

  • Commission Paid?: A checkbox to indicate whether a sales commission has been paid upon the sale of the equipment.

  • Warranty Date: The starting date of the warranty period for the equipment.

  • Warranty Code: Information related to the warranty, such as the dealer number or manufacturer’s name.

  • ETA Date: The estimated arrival date of the equipment to the dealership.

  • Date Paid: The date when the dealership completed the payment for the equipment.

  • ITA/Paid?: An indicator if the dealership is a member of the Industrial Truck Association (ITA) and needs to report on equipment details.

  • ITA State: The state where the equipment is registered, relevant for reporting to the ITA.

  • ITA County: The county where the equipment is registered, also relevant for ITA reporting.

  • ITA SIC Code: The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code that corresponds to the end user of the equipment.

Customer information: 

  • Order Date:  Date that the Customer ordered the Equipment.

  • Acquisition Date:  Date the Customer acquired the Equipment. This will be set when a Work Order is invoiced to a Customer with the Equipment control number. 

  • Receive Date:  Date the Customer physically received the Equipment.

  • Warranty End Date:  Date the Warranty expires for the Customer, the full coverage warranty, not major components.

  • Major Component Warr End Date:  Date that the Major Components warranty ends.

  • Extended Warranty End Date:  Date the Extended Warranty is good thru.

  • Extended Warr Application #:  Extended Warranty Application Number of the Equipment.

  • Warranty Code:  Information about the Warranty Code of the Equipment this could be the dealer number or manufacturer's name. 

  • Required Date:  Date that the Customer requires to have the Equipment delivered. 

  • Enrollment Date:  Date the equipment was enrolled into the warranty program. 

  • PPSA:  This is an indicator the Equipment falls under the Canadian Law of Personal Property Security Act.

  • PPSA #:  This is the number given to the Equipment to comply with the Canadian PPSA law.

  • Customer #: This is the Customer Number that is associated with the Equipment to comply with the Canadian PPSA law.

  • PPSA Expiration Date:  This is the date that the PPSA # will expire that is associated with the Equipment that complies with the PPSA in Canada.

NOTE: Dealer acquisition date and received dates are populated based on the purchase order number associated with the equipment’s control number. Customer acquisition date is populated based on the date of the equipment sale invoice with the equipment’s control number. These are the only date fields that are automatically populated based on other programs in Softbase, all other dates require manual entry. 


The Financial tab is used to manage the financial aspects of a piece of equipment. It ensures that all monetary details related to its acquisition, sale, and pricing are accurately tracked and listed for dealership purposes, resale, and online listings. Below are key fields and definitions:

General Financial Information:

  • Acquisition Cost: The price paid by the dealership to acquire the equipment.

  • Selling Price: The price set for selling the equipment to a customer.

  • As-Is Wholesale Price: The wholesale price of the equipment in its current condition.

  • D/R Wholesale Price: The wholesale price after any dealer repairs have been performed.

  • Retail Price: The price at which the equipment is sold to retail customers.

  • Acquired From: The source (e.g., a vendor or trade-in) from which the equipment was acquired.

  • Trade-In: A checkbox to indicate if the equipment was obtained through a trade-in.

  • Publish As-Is: Flags whether the equipment should be listed online in its current condition.

  • Publish D/R: Flags whether the equipment should be listed online after any dealer repairs.

  • Dealer Ready?: Indicates if the equipment is ready for sale.

  • Retail List: Flags if the equipment is listed for retail sale.

  • Wholesale List: Flags if the equipment is listed for wholesale.

  • Road Labor Rate: The labor rate charged for off-site services related to the equipment.

  • Shop Labor Rate: The labor rate charged for in-house services related to the equipment.

  • Service Non Taxable: Flags if the service related to the equipment is non-taxable.

  • Unit In Operation: Indicates if the unit is currently operational.

  • Internet Rental Equipment: Flags whether the equipment is listed online for rental purposes.

  • Internet Used Equipment: Flags whether the equipment is listed online as used.

The Rental Financial Information section within the Equipment profile tracks key details related to the financial terms and requirements for renting the equipment. Here are the field definitions:

Rental Financial Information:

  • Rental Rate Code: A code that corresponds to a pre-set rental rate category. If rental codes are already configured, choosing a code from the dropdown will auto-fill the following rate fields.

  • Daily Rate: The price charged for renting the equipment for one day.

  • Weekly Rate: The price charged for a one-week rental.

  • 4 Week Rate: The price charged for a four-week rental period.

  • Monthly Rate: The cost for renting the equipment for one month.

  • Quarterly Rate: The rental price for a three-month period.

  • OT Rate: The rate applied for overtime usage beyond standard rental hours.

  • Insurance Required: A checkbox indicating if insurance is mandatory to rent the equipment.

  • Rental Status: The current availability or status of the equipment for rental. This must be kept updated within the equipment profile.

  • Status Comment: A field for additional notes or clarifications regarding the rental status.

  • Insurance Coverage: Specifics about the insurance coverage applicable to the equipment during the rental period.

GL (General Ledger) 

The GL Posting tab manages and displays the financial details of how the equipment has been posted to the general ledger (GL) and tracks important cost-related information:

GL Posting Information:

  • GL Cost: This is the total cost of the equipment posted to the general ledger. It includes all internal costs associated with acquiring the equipment, such as the purchase price and any related internal costs (e.g., make-ready costs).

  • Depreciation Expense: This field shows the accumulated depreciation expense for the equipment, reflecting the reduction in value over time.

  • Net Book Value: This represents the current value of the equipment after accounting for depreciation. It is the original cost minus the accumulated depreciation.

  • In-Transit Total: This displays the total amount recorded in the In Transit Account, specifically for equipment that is still in transit, waiting to be fully received.

  • Note: Below each section, you can view detailed breakdowns of the amounts, journal entries, relevant dates, associated invoices, and customers.

GM (Guaranteed Maintenance)The Guaranteed Maintenance section tracks essential information about equipment that is under a Guaranteed Maintenance (GM) contract. Here's a breakdown of the key fields and their purposes:

Guaranteed Maintenance Fields:

  • Guaranteed Maintenance: A checkbox that, when marked as true, indicates that the equipment is enrolled in a Guaranteed Maintenance contract. If not checked, the unit cannot be added to a GM billing cycle.

  • Start Date: This is the start date of the Guaranteed Maintenance contract for the equipment.

  • Number of Billing Periods: Specifies the total number of billing periods the equipment will be billed for under the Guaranteed Maintenance contract. Example, a GM contract is four years, this field would be set to 48. 

  • Periods Billed: Displays the number of periods that have already been billed for Guaranteed Maintenance. This automatically updates with each billing cycle.

  • Last Income Invoice #: Shows the invoice number of the most recent income invoice billed for Guaranteed Maintenance.

  • Hours Allowed: The total number of operating hours allowed for the equipment under the GM contract.

  • OT Rate Per Hour: The overtime rate charged per hour if the equipment exceeds the allowed hours under the GM contract.

  • Target Cost Per Running Hour: This is the dealer's target cost per hour of operation for the equipment. It can be compared to the actual running cost per hour to monitor profitability and efficiency.


The Delivery section originally contained fields that had to be manually updated, but these details are now automatically tracked using the Transportation program and log, so manual updates to this section are no longer required.


The Floor/Lease tab captures comprehensive financial and lease-related information regarding the equipment. Here are the key fields and their purposes:

Floor Plan Details:

  • S.R. #: Used by Clark, this number refers to the control number in Softbase, representing the unit's identification number.

  • Dealership P.O. #: The purchase order number issued by the dealership for ordering the equipment.

  • On Floor Plan: Indicates whether the equipment is under a floor plan agreement.

  • Floor Plan #: The unique number for the floor plan agreement.

  • Floor Plan Bank: The bank holding the floor plan agreement.

  • Floor Plan Amount: The initial amount the equipment was floored for.

  • Floor Plan Start Date: The date the floor plan agreement began.

  • Floor Plan Date Paid: The date when the floor plan was paid off.

  • Rental Equipment (RE) #: Used by Clark as part of the ordering system, it was assigned by the factory.

Lease Information:

  • Financing #: An informational field identifying a financing number associated with the equipment.

  • Import #: Identifies the import number for the equipment.

  • Import Date: Records the date when the equipment was imported.

  • Lease Company: Specifies the company leasing the equipment.

  • Lease Flag: Used to mark the equipment as leased, useful for reports on current or expiring leases.

  • Lease Payment: The monthly payment amount for leasing the equipment.

  • Lease Start Date: The date when the lease started.

  • Lease Expiration Date: The date when the lease will expire.

  • Lease Term: The total duration of the lease agreement.

  • Lease Residual: The residual value of the equipment at the end of the lease.

  • Lease Amount: The total amount of the lease agreement.

  • Lease #: The contract number associated with the lease.

Operational and Maintenance Details:

  • Hours Per Work Day: Expected daily hours of operation for the equipment.

  • Days Per Week: The expected number of days per week the equipment is in use.

  • Weeks Per Year: The expected number of weeks per year the equipment is in use.

  • Maintenance Payment: The additional expected payment for maintenance under the lease agreement.

  • Lease P.O. #: The purchase order number provided by the customer for leasing the equipment.


The WIP (Work in Progress) tab provides a comprehensive overview of all ongoing documents associated with a specific piece of equipment. It allows users to easily track and manage various types of open transactions. Here’s an outline of the sections within the WIP tab:

Open Work Orders and Quotes:

  • Displays a list of all currently open work orders and quotes.

Open Rental Orders:

  • Lists all rental orders that are currently in progress.

Open Sales Orders:

  • Shows all equipment sales orders that are still active and not yet finalized.

Purchase Orders:

  • Details all purchase orders that are still open and ongoing.

Each section includes the following details:

  • Document Numbers: Identifiers for each sales order.

  • Shipping Names: The associated customer or shipping name.

  • Opening Dates: The date each sales order was initiated.

  • Sale Codes: Sale classification codes for each transaction.


The Transportation tab provides a summary of all completed transportation activities related to a specific piece of equipment. This section is particularly useful for tracking the movement and delivery of equipment. Key information includes:

  • Tracking Number: Displays the unique tracking number assigned to the transportation of the equipment.

  • Reason or Department: Shows the reason for the transportation or the department responsible for initiating the transport.

  • Associated Document Number: The document number that is linked to the transportation, such as a work order, sales order, or purchase order.

  • Date of Pick-Up: The date when the equipment was picked up for transportation.

  • Date of Delivery: The date when the equipment was delivered to its destination.

  • Origin: The starting location of the equipment before transportation.


The Photo tab allows users to easily manage documents and images associated with a piece of equipment. Here are the key features of this tab:

  • Add Button: Users can drag and drop files and photos directly into the Photo tab. Once a file is dropped, its file name is automatically populated, and the Add button becomes active. Clicking this button stores the file with the equipment profile, and a preview image of the document will be displayed. If multiple files or photos are added, they can be viewed and selected from a drop-down menu.

  • Delete Button: This button enables users to delete any existing document or image that has been previously stored with the equipment.

  • File Name: This field displays the name of the document or image that has been dragged in and added to the equipment profile. Users can access the list of all files or photos added through the drop-down menu, facilitating easy navigation and management of stored documents.


This Comments tab allows users to enter notes that will be displayed and printed in specific areas of the Softbase Application for the Equipment.

  • Comments to print when Selling or Renting: These will show on the Work Order document when selling or renting the equipment. The equipment record must be on the Equip or Rental Tab of the Work Order.

  • (Retail List) Comments: These are used in reports for salesmen to provide additional context on the equipment.

  • Comments to display when Servicing: Comments entered here will pop up in a small window when a service work order is opened for the equipment. The user has the option to add them to the work order.

  • Work Order Instructions: These comments will appear when a work order is opened for the specific equipment file.

  • Additional Work Recommended: These comments are often generated from Softbase Mobile but can also be modified in the invoicing window's comments tab. They are meant to document recommended repairs advised to a customer and will remain attached to the equipment's serial number until updated or removed.


The Warranty Info tab is designed for entering and managing a piece of equipment’s warranty details, including:

  • Basic Warranty

  • Powertrain Warranty

  • Battery Warranty

  • Charger Warranty

  • Emissions Warranty

This tab provides a detailed breakdown of warranty policies for both parts and labor. Under each warranty type, you can enter the expiration dates and/or hours of coverage for parts and labor.

For example, if a piece of equipment was delivered on 9/30/2024, and the OEM's basic warranty covers 12 months parts and labor or 2000 hours, the expiration would be:

  • Date: 9/30/2025

  • Hours: 2000 hours

These details help track the remaining warranty coverage and ensure accurate service and claims management.

The Warranty End User field is used when the end user differs from the purchaser or owner of the equipment. This is commonly applied in situations like national accounts or fleet management companies that buy large quantities of equipment but distribute them to different end users, such as large chains or retailers. In this case, the end user to whom the equipment is ultimately shipped would be entered in this field, ensuring that the correct recipient is associated with the warranty.

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